Evidence-Based Visual Supports that Engage Young Learners on Movement Skills

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 Fun2MOOV!® is an integrated set of portable mats, guides, and checklists developed by physical educators that can be used for physical education assessment, before, during and after school programs, physical therapy, or just for fun! Using engaging graphics, colors, and pattern to create intentional visual supports is an evidence-based practice for children, especially those on the autism spectrum.


Assess. Practice. Move. Play. Learn.

Option of 6 Fundamental Motor Skills mats, 6 Object Control Skills mats, ... or both. :)

Portable mats focusing on seven (7) fundamental motor skills (run, jump, hop, skip/gallop, slide, leap), six (6) Object Control skills (catch, dribble, kick, strike, roll, throw), or a complete set with all. Each mat is 4.5 feet wide.



©️ 2023 and 2024 Fit and Fun Playscapes, LLC. All rights reserved.

The Fun2MOOV!® system Teaching Guide

A step-by-step guide that include activities, tips, plans, and assessment sheets. The guide will be emailed to you (PDF) so you can print off as many assessment sheets as you need while saving trees.



Access to the Co-Developer and Physical Education Expert

You'll have access to experts like Timothy D. Davis, Ph.D., CAPE, Director of the Sensory Integration/Motor Sensory (SIMS) Movement Center at SUNY Cortland. Just contact us via phone, email, or chat!

About Authentic Assessments

All quality physical education teaching is driven by assessment and that's really all about learning what your students can do.  The more you know about your child’s abilities, the easier it will be to decide what to teach!  Implementing the Fun2MOOV!® system will allow you to observe young movers in their natural play setting to practice, learn, and improve their Fundamental Motor Skills and Object Control Skills! As an authentic assessment, Fun2MOOV!® can be used anywhere, all the time!

Schools Love the Versatility

Use Fun2MOOV!® as part of your physical education curriculum, indoor recess, therapy supports, fitness games, and before/ after school programs.


How to use the Fun2MOOV!® system:

• You can match locomotor or object control skills to the unit you are currently teaching.

• Provide ample movement space between stations.

• Prepare the checklist using your class roster.

• Position yourself so that you can easily observe selected stations and record data on the checklist.

• Over time, you will gather data on each of your student's abilities and progress.

• We recommend you assess your student’s ability at least quarterly. However, you can reassess and observe your students as often as you like.

• Keeping data on your students’ ability will inform and enhance your curriculum decisions.

And keep in mind, Fun2MOOV!® is:

✔️ Easy to use

✔️ Easy to clean up after each session - just use a damp cloth

✔️ Fun2MOOV!® assessments were developed and tested with the help of physical educators and their students 💪

✔️ Authentic assessment is an evidence-based approach

✔️ Kids love them ❤️


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Dr. Tim


Fun2MOOV!® was developed in collaboration with Timothy D. Davis, Ph.D., affectionately known as "Dr. Tim".  Dr. Tim is an associate professor in the Physical Education Department at SUNY Cortland, teaching in the field of Adapted Physical Education for over 30 years. He is the Executive Director of the Adapted Physical Education National Standards (APENS) and is sponsored by the National Consortium on Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID). Dr. Davis is also the director of the SUNY Cortland Sensory Integration Motor Sensory and Multi- Sensory Environment (SIMS/MSE) Lab. Dr. Tim is now part of the Fit and Fun team. :) You can contact Dr. Tim by calling us at 800 681 0684 ext. 11 or email us at

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Fit and Fun Playscapes is proud to be a 100% women-owned, WBENC-Certified WBE (Women's Business Enterprise) and WOSB (Women Owned Small Business) certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and eligible to participate in the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program (WOSB Program). In addition, we are certified by the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey.

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